
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Color Me Happy!

What makes you feel happy?  I think it's safe to assume there are possibly many things that fall under the category heading "Happy-Maker."  Some of the things that make me feel electrified with happiness are Saturday mornings with Jason and Sophia, authentic smiles, tight hugs, lemons, sunny days, giggles, crossing the finish line of a race (even when I'm last), and anything turquoise.  If I see something turquoise, I'm instantaneously feeling good.

For instance, I ventured to Walmart last Saturday morning hoping to stock-up on groceries prior to the winter storm.  Walmart immediately takes me from whatever mood I'm in straight to grouchy.  The lights.  The crowds.  The chaos.  I despise it.  So, how do I handle this?  I do my best to find a little turquoise.  Any shade of turquoise will do.

When I was in the cereal aisle, I looked for the box of Rice Krispies.  Smile!

In the chip aisle, I looked for the Original Ruffles.  Close enough!

Turquoise measuring spoons on an end cap?  An oasis in the desert that is Wal-Mart!

Just when I thought I couldn't take another moment dodging careless shopping cart drivers, I saw an elderly woman sporting a beautiful turquoise puffy coat.  I followed her for at least 30 minutes, even to some aisles I didn't need to visit.  It felt amazing.

My love for turquoise isn't limited to shopping excursions.  I sprinkle as much turquoise as I can in every facet of my life.   Every room in my home has turquoise.  My office has turquoise scissors, filing cabinets, and baskets.  My iPhone case is turquoise.  I write with turquoise pen.  If I have so much turquoise around me already, why do I feel compelled to find it wherever I go?  To me, turquoise represents happiness, and I choose to find as much happiness in my day-to-day existence as I can.  Life can be difficult, overwhelming, and unfortunately, terrifying at times.  I do what I can to make sure my life is safe and predictable, but there are some things I cannot control.  One way I can maintain focus in an uncomfortable situation is by seeking out a little bit of turquoise.  If I find something familiar, something lovely, something safe, then I can focus on that and push on through the discomfort, no matter what the situation.  

In a future post, I'll discuss the science behind how and why color affects us.  Today, however, let's just focus on how it makes you feel.  What do you look for in times of uncertainty?  Is it a color?  Is it something else?  Do you have a favorite color?  A least favorite color?  What colors you happy?          

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