
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Halfway There

As spoken by the great Jon Bon Jovi, "Oooooooh, we're halfway there!"  Well, not exactly halfway, but it's close enough. Today marks my 15th blog post out of 31. I have 16 remaining after this one. The median is technically 15.5, but since I can't have a half-post, I'm declaring this my Bon Jovi moment. The task was far more difficult than I had imagined it would be. I've found that I am so busy with my daily duties, I don't have much energy to write well at the end of the day. I have so much to share with you, but I lack the drive to put it in writing. I haven't shown you as much turquoise as I had hoped to, still haven't gotten around to discussing the science behind how color makes us feel, and haven't added a single word to my vocabulary.  Part of me dreads the remaining responsibility of this challenge, while another part of me is grateful I still have a chance to write about so many things. The experience has given me a greater respect for bloggers, because I didn't realize how much forethought goes into writing something meaningful.

Since many of my readers are young and unaware of the fascinating decade that was the 1980's, I'll post a link to the very song I referenced at the beginning of the post.  Beware, students. If you follow that link, you will be inundated with glamour and coolness. The ripped jeans. The leather with fringe. The boots. The scarves. The hair. The hair. THE HAIR!!!  I was a mere 5 years old when that musical treasure hit the radio waves.  That song is as much a part of my childhood as are Cabbage Patch Kids, Care Bears, and Big Wheels. I'm referring to the originals, of course.  I break out in song every single time the phrase "halfway there" is spoken.  After you watch that video, you'll never question my fashion choices or hairstyle again. Suddenly, it will all make sense. The 80's. I blame the 80's.

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