
Thursday, March 20, 2014

I'm Happy

Today is one of my favorite days of the year: the first day of spring!  Spring is my favorite season, so today is one of my favs by default. I discovered, thanks to the internet, that today is also the United Nations International Day of Happiness. How fitting!  I visited the site for this day and saw this awesome text I want to share with you.

I think we would all make the same choice when answering the question. As much as I love stuff and wish I had more money to make life easier, I would never say anything is more important than happiness. I have always felt that happiness is a choice, and I choose happiness as often as I can. I make every effort to be positive and see the good in a situation. The older I grow the easier this becomes. Today we continued to work in the yard. We have a lot of little projects going, but the main task is installing a fence. This is quite a chore, but rather than focus on the expense and time and effort required, I'm seeing the positive outcome. We'll increase the value of our property, and have a safer backyard for Sophia and Teddy to play in. My marriage also grows stronger with every home improvement project. We get better at communicating with each other, and have tangible evidence to remind us that we are in this together and are on the same team.  I choose happiness. I choose to see the turquoise, even though the fence is only silver. 

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